Jan Alexander Kunert, MSc
Tyrolean Alpine Ski School
Licensed ski instructor of the state of Vorarlberg
Urgbach 1
6500 Landeck-Urgen (Gde. Fließ)
Tel.: +43 660 7404492
UID-No.: ATU76772618
Business purpose: State-certified ski instructor & ski guide; operation of an alpine ski school
Awarding State: Austria
Services: providing instruction in the skills and knowledge of skiing as well as guiding and accompanying while skiing and on ski tours; the services are provided only by the concession holder (="one-man ski school").
Member ofTyrolean Ski Instructors Association, Vorarlberg Ski Instructors Association
Professional law: Tyrolean Ski School Act, Vorarlberg Ski School Act
Supervisory authorityTiroler Landesregierung, Bezirkshauptmannschaft Landeck; Vorarlberger Landesregierung, Sportreferat
EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Picture/video credits
Jan Alexander Kunert
Janina Wachter
Gunther Gaigg
Lucie Bierent
Simone Vuljaj
iStock/Jeremy Poland